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AI Power Jam

Du kan stadig nå at hoppe med på AI-toget. Det standser lige her i Trørød... og det tager gerne dig med. Er du klar?

i København 2. maj 2025

Drømmer du om at få din egen personlige assistent vha. ChatGPT?

Den kan aflaste dig i hverdagen og give dig virkelig god sparring.

Train a new essential skill. Turbocharge ALL communication work. Learn to manage A.I. like a pro.

🎉 Now, your dreams can come true!

Are you tired of writer's block and eager to progress with your book project? Or perhaps you dream of starting to publish on LinkedIn?

Fear not!

I am here to help you realize your ambitions using ChatGPT - an incredible artificial intelligence that can provide the inspiration and drive needed to pursue your goals!

💪 With ChatGPT's support, you can overcome writer's block and transform your ideas into beautiful words on the pages of your upcoming book. You'll hardly believe your own eyes when you see how much assistance you get from this advanced technology!

🎓 If you truly want to take your authoring career to the next level, I strongly recommend joining my e-learning course on the Futurescouts Community.

The course may not be for everyone, but it might be for you if you carry a dream of publishing in your heart. 💫💼

We gather in the Community to share experiences about the course and the use of ChatGPT. I will be your guide on the journey to success!

If you want access to the e-learning course in ChatGPT and other courses I will be rolling out, sign up for Premium here. Previously held webinars on ChatGPT and Midjourney are also available on Premium.

In addition to accessing courses in various tools, you also get a half-hour 1:1 session with Maria and free entry to live events. The half-hour session can cover topics Maria is knowledgeable about, ranging from ChatGPT and Midjourney to Canva, diversity, and IT security, or coaching on your path in IT or as an entrepreneur. 🙂 In any case, I look forward to speaking with you.

The plan is to hold a couple of annual live events from September 2023, where entry will cost something if you're not a Premium member.

Pay 15 Euro per month/kr. 111. You only need to join for 1 month.

Paying for a whole year saves you kr. 223 or the equivalent of 30 Euro.

A ChatGPT course came out in mid-May, and a Midjourney course is coming this summer, each valued at DKK 699,-.

Perhaps you've attempted to write your book several times or thought about posting on LinkedIn?

But have you realized that writing actually takes quite a bit of time? If you don't have enough energy or time to write and, like me, have no employees, ChatGPT can assist you. Just as it has helped me achieve a great deal in just 2 months.

In that time, I've become quite adept at using ChatGPT for virtually EVERYTHING!

It helps me with my weaknesses - like writing VERY LONG texts and sentences with embedded clauses. It becomes quite unintelligible. No problem. ChatGPT fixes that.

🌐 Sign up for my course on Futurescouts Community, and let's turn your dreams into reality! Click here:

It will be able to help you, just as it has helped me. And in my course, you can learn how.

Here's some of what you can learn with my course:

  • Get ideas for posts you can write about your topic

  • Get structure for a book you've always wanted to write

  • Get your posts written, or at least the draft, by ChatGPT

  • Get ChatGPT to insert emojis

  • Get ChatGPT to give you catchy headlines

  • Have your personal assistant at hand (YES, you can actually clone yourself!)

  • Shorten texts and sentences (yes yes, there's my own pet peeve again. ChatGPT loves your weaknesses).

  • Summarize articles you find and need to understand the main points of

  • Come up with hashtags for your posts

  • Create engaging hooks

  • Come up with compelling questions

  • Write scripts for YouTube videos or videos for LinkedIn

  • Create scripts for podcasts

  • Get ChatGPT to teach you something you need for your book or otherwise

  • Ideas for quizzes

  • And much much more

Get ChatGPT to give you criticism - or praise and recognition for what you write

Get access to the ChatGPT e-learning course for 111 kr./15 Euro (You, of course, have a 14-day return policy with a money-back guarantee).

Workshoppen er for dig, der gerne vil:



Vi forventer ikke, at du er ekspert i ChatGPT!

Det er det, vi er her for at lære dig.

Du har brugt ChatGPT før og føler du nok kan få endnu mere ud af den.​

Din investering i kurset og din virksomhed er kun kr. 3500,- inkl. moms 

Med i prisen er lækker frokost samt snacks, te, kaffe.


Tilmeld dig nu og lad os sammen gøre dine drømme til virkelighed!

Det er en forudsætning for at deltage i workshoppen, at du har en ChatGPT-profil, samt et betalt abonnement til denne. 


Vi ses :)

  • lære at få ChatGPT til at hjælpe dig i hverdagen

  • komme godt med på AI-toget

  • spare tid på alt det kedelige 

Din AI-træner




2. maj 12:00-16:00


Info følger

Det siger tidligere deltagere

"Virkeligt godt kursus, der er vildt relevant for ALLE - uanset forudgående niveau. Jeg lærte at kode mine egne GPT’er og fik masser af ny inspiration til hvordan jeg kan bruge AI mere aktivt i min hverdag. Og min rejse er tydeligvis kun lige skudt i gang - jeg bliver bedre og bedre til at tænke ud af boksen ift hvordan jeg kan bruge GPT’er"     Julie Bjerg Norup, Hearts & Minds Agency

"Det, vi lærte af Maria og hendes nærværende måde at formidle det på sammen med relevante øvelser gjorde det nemt at relatere til og se muligheder i."

Diana Bennekov, EYEminded


"Er langt større indblik i, hvorledes jeg kan anvende AI, ChatGPT i min virksomhed - jeg har helt smidt min tvivl på AI"    Nina Kudsk, Studio Nina Kudsk

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